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Administrative and municipal law

Zholobova, G.A. Mechanism for the legal regulation of the trade of toxic and drastic substances in the Russian Empire in 1881–1913.

Abstract: The article discusses actual historical problems of the legislation of the Russian Empire regarding regulation of the relations in the sphere of trade of toxic and drastic substances in late XIX — early XX centuries. The author shows the formation of the mechanism for the legal regulation, which was aimed to promote the organization of trade, as well as to provide for the due supervision in order to guarantee state security and public welfare. The author reveals existing difficulties and contradictions, analyzes the problems and specific features of implementation of relevant legal rules. The author paid special attention to the problems of legislative regulation of the organization of trade in the azotic acid. Special attention to azotic acid was due to the strengthening of the terrorist activities in the Empire and the use of the azotic acid for making the explosives. Based upon the analysis of normative legal acts provided in the Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire and the norms of the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire, as well as some newly found archive documents, which are being introduced into the scientific turnover for the first time, the author studies the mechanism of the legal regulation in the relevant spheres at all of its stages.


poisonous, drastic substances, azotic acid, apothecary, apothecary store, the Code of Laws, rules, trade, sellers, certificate, police, supervision, responsibility, Pharmaceutical Charter.

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