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International Law and International Organizations

Abgarjan D. Elaboration by ITLOS of the Law of the Sea Rules in different spheres of the Ocean Activity

Abstract: Ways and methods used by ITLOS in the process of interpretation of the law of sea are discussed in the article. ITLOS elaborated a number of rules, in particular, those concerning grounds for detention of foreign vessels in the EEZ, correlation between municipal law and international law, bond or other financial security, question of confiscation, connection between the ship and the flag state. The ITLOS case law is analyzed. Author studies such cases as Juno Trader” “Saiga” “Hoshinmaru” and others. Particular topics that are subject of the study are: Grounds for detention of foreign vessels in the exclusive economic zone; bond or other financial security as well as the question of confiscation (of the haul in fisheries cases for exemple); and finally the questions of the connection between the ship and the flag state.


ITLOS, the flag state, the ship state, financial security, grounds for detention, foreign vessels, municipal law, and international law, law of sea, Saiga.

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