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National Security

Pitukhina, M.A. On the issues of securitization of migration in Russia.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the studies of the topical issues of securitization of the migration streams in Russia at the current stage of development. Currently the securitization of migration discourse reached its maximum, and there is need to lower the level of possible national security threats and improvement of the human capital quality. In last two years cardinal measures were taken in order to de-securitize migration, however, they are not sufficient in the opinion of the author. At the same time it proves the fact that the migration policy in Russia is undergoing a significant transformation. Methodology of studies is based upon the approach to securitization of migration, which is implemented by the scientists from the Copenhagen Peace Research Institute. In order to substantiate the results the author used the methods of typology, comparison and expert evaluation. The author defined three measures, which should lead to de-securitization of migration. The results received shall facilitate the optimization of migration policy, improvement of the quality of the human capital and desecuritization of migration both in the short-term and the long-term and middle-range periods. The experience of the leading Organization for Economic Cooperation states is extremely important and its use may serve as the basis for the development of recommendations for the migration regulation bodies in Russia.


securitization of migration, migration policy, qualified migration, human capital, trends, Organization for Economic Cooperation, innovative measures, desecuritization, lowering the level of threats, soft security.

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