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National Security

Antropova, Y.Y., Kalinin, I.A. Road traffic security in the Sverdlovsky region: problem analysis and public opinion studies.

Abstract: The article concerns analysis of the situation in the sphere of road traffic security in Russia and in Sverdlovsky region of Russia in particular. From the standpoint of social integration and social justice the authors search for the mechanisms for the security road traffic in the region. The authors provide evidence for foreign and Russian theoretical studies and social practices. The object of studies was public opinion of the people in Russia and in the Sverdlovsky region on the issues such as road traffic security, efficiency of the problem solutions in the sphere of road traffic security. The authors provide comparative analysis of the sociological studies held by the authors in 2012–2013 and the official statistical data and the all-Russian studies held by the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center in March of 2013. As a solution for the problem in question the authors refer to the partnership of the state, business, civil society, including public-private partnership for the introduction of the system of photo- and video- recording of the violations of the road traffic rules in automatic regime in the territory of the Sverdlovsk region. The authors substantiate this proposal with the supposed social and economic effect, accenting achievement of the socially valuable goals, such as better road traffic security and preservation of life and health of all of its participants.


road traffic security, social and demographic security, public-private partnership, inter-sector partnership, offence recording, transportation risks, social integration, social solidarity, road traffic accident, public opinion.

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