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Taxes and Taxation

Gordin, V. I. External Municipal Financial Control as an Instrument for Specifying Tax Revenues of a Municipality

Abstract: Reformation of the budgeting system involves raising efficiency and quality of managing public finances at all level of the country’s budgeting system including raising efficiency of local budgets. In this regard, the author of the article analyzes the role of external municipal financial control in specifying tax revenues of a municipality. Activity of external municipal financial control essentially influences the budgeting and social and economic processes. The methodological concepts of this research include scientific publications by Russian economists in the sphere of external municipal financial control. In his research the author uses the methods of analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction. According to the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, the modern system of financial control consists of the external financial control and internal financial control. Both internal and external forms of financial control are equally important for establishing and using public funds at all levels. However, the author of the present article believes that it is the system of external financial control that must guarantee implementation of the integral budgetary and financial policy as well as the identity of purpose, principles and coordination of actions in the sphere of control over federal, regional and municipal budgets. Activity of municipal supervisory accounting authorities plays a great role in regulating and managing tax sources of the income basis of local budgets through expertise of local budget projects and control over execution of these projects. At the municipal level tax revenues are the most obvious driver of financial independence of territories which, in its turn, is the most important criterion of the Russian society democratization.


municipality, finances, financial control, supervising accounting authority, tax revenues, budget, independence of territories, social and economic processes, the role of control, specifying tax revenues.

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