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Politics and Society

Budaev, A. V. Public Diplomacy in the Russian-Brazilian Relations

Abstract: The purpose of the preset article is to reveal the main peculiarities of the Russian-Brazilian relations being developed by the means of public diplomacy. The subject matter of the research is the public diplomacy in the Russian-Brazilian relations. Unlike propaganda carried on by the government and governmental agencies (quite often the term ‘propaganda’ has a negative meaning such as disinformation and misinterpretation of facts), public diplomacy is viewed as the dissemination of positive information based on the actual state of affairs. Consequently, the effect and results of public diplomacy can be of more importance and duration than when traditional propaganda methods and techniques of infl uencing the public opinion are being used. Despite the fact that the term ‘public’ or ‘social’ diplomacy has been introduced into scientifi c use just recently, particular elements of this phenomena have been already present at different stages of the foreign policy activities performed by the Russian state. From this point of view, the analysis of using public diplomacy in the relations between Russia and Brazil is appealing. At the end of his research article the author concludes that today’s public diplomacy is the most important component of the ‘soft power’ indicated in Russia’s external policy concept. The conductors of this policy are usually public organizations and civic institutions. In the Russian-Brazilian relations public diplomacy is highly effi cient because ancient traditions of cultural ties between these two countries created a fertile ground for such bilateral relations.


international relations, politics, law, public diplomacy, Russia, Brazil, soft power, humanitarian cooperation, cultural ties, values.

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