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National Security

Almaeva, Y.O. The problems of psychological security guarantees for workers at the workplaces in the process of performing their professional duties.

Abstract: In this article it is stated that the reforms in the sphere of regulation of social and labor relations in the modern Russia pay no attention to prevention and prophylactics of mobbing — moral persecution of workers in their workplace in the process of performing their professional duties. It is partially due to the fact that in Russia the problem of active persecution of a working persons is hardly discussed, and the issues of improvement of labor legislation for centralized prevention of mobbing has no theoretical basis. That is why there is no legislative definition of mobbing and neither the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, nor any other federal laws in the sphere of social labor relations contain any definition of mobbing or similar term, while protection of personal non-proprietary rights of workers is achieved via means of different branches of law, such as civil law. However, non-proprietary benefits and rights of workers cannot find complete protection within the framework of regulation of civil law. That is why, the Russian labor law should include special means of protection of non-proprietary rights of workers, requiring a unified state policy in the sphere of protection of dignity and guarantees of personal labor rights of workers. At the same time, the measures against “mobbing” and for the protection of psychological health of workers in the process of their working activities should be legislatively provided for both at the centralized and the local level.


psychological security of workers, labor legislation, moral persecution, personal non-proprietary rights, civil law, mobbing, selfdefense, labor law, improvement, compensation of moral damage.

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