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National Security

Ivaneev, S.V. Islamic banking as a threat to the spiritual security of a secular state.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the perspectives of development of Islamic banking in the territory of the CIS state, where the Islamic banks are lately recognized as “useful” within the framework of a global financial crisis. The author draws a conclusion that the main instrument for the implementation of the Islamic global order goals is formed by Islamic banks, serving as an efficient instrument for the influence and pressure in the areas of spread of Islam for the purpose of implementation of the Islamic global order concept. It may be regarded as a threat to spiritual security of the state, being an inalienable element of national and constitutional security. The author is assured that implementation of the Islamic global order concept, where one of the vectors of Islamic global dominance is its penetration into the fundamentals of the economic life, threatens the secular principles and world views, as well as secular law of Russia, and it may cause irreparable loss to civil society and democracy in the Russian Federation.


banking, Islam, spiritual security, secularity, religion, democracy, law, freedom of conscience, expansion, Islamization.

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