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National Security

Sedykh, N.S. Role of mass communications in the information and psychological fight against terrorism.

Abstract: The article concerns the role of mass communications in the social reality construction. In this regard the author analyzes some consequences of global information penetration of the social sphere, as well as some specific features of mass communication influence on the public opinion and individual conscience. The author provides the result of discourse analysis for the TV programs of the Channel 1 in the period between 8 and 14 of July, 2013. The main criteria for the choice of TV programs for analysis was the presence of social rhetoric, defining the specificities of ideological inf luence. The author views the problems of information and psychological anti-terrorism activities with regard to the role of pedagogical journalism and educational technologies. The author refers to the issue of consolidation of efforts of pedagogical and journalist communities in order to develop projects aimed against extremist and terrorist ideologies among the youth. The author points out the need to form specialized educational programs for additional professional education for some categories of teachers and social pedagogues, journalists, law-enforcement officers in order to develop specific competencies in for professional purposes of extremism and terrorism prevention, as well formation of antiterrorism values in the Russian society.


society, terrorism, threat, youth, information, mass communications, discourse, information and psychological counteraction, education, pedagogical journalism.

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