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Politics and Society

Lushnikov, A. Yu. Russia-Pakistan Cooperation at International Organizations Since 1991 Till 2013

Abstract: The article is devoted to special features of Russia-Pakistan cooperation at modern international organizations. The period under consideration (from 1991 till 2013) is signifi ed with the establishment and development of new approaches to interstate relations between these two countries. The end of the ear, the breakdown of the USSR and formation of new states in the Central Asia had a dominant infl uence on the two-way and versatile development of relations between the countries of the Central Asia and South Asia. Regional security threats were escalated, Pakistan and India became nuclear nations, the Afghan problem fi nally turned into the international center of tension, terroristic danger, global production of drugs and drug trade. New international organizations have appeared lately and participation in or cooperation with these organizations have become an important step towards development of international relations. Russia and Pakistan gradually expand the scope of their cooperation within the framework of performance of the existing international organizations. A bright example is the cooperation between Russia and Pakistan through Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Organization of Islamic Cooperation as well as possibilities for their cooperation through the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation. A signifi cant factor of Russia – Pakistan relations is the constant mutual work as the Dushanbe Four. In this regard, the author of the article touches upon the problems of regional security and leverages over the situation through building up mutually benefi cial cooperation at international organizations. At the end of the article the author concludes that these relations still have much potential to explore and have all chances to further grow and develop.


international terrorism, heroine aggression, Friends of Democratic Pakistan, regional security threats, Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Dushanbe Four, CIS, international relations, Intergovernmental Commission, large-scale development.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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