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Law and Politics

Belyaev V.P. Control and supervisory legal activities: The question of delimitation of concepts

Abstract: To a great extent, the purpose of this work is the desire of the author to elucidate the real correlation of control and supervisory legal work, including by analyzing the differences between them on the basis of views expressed on the said issue. As we know, the modern Russia is undergoing fundamental transformations that largely affect the functioning of the state mechanism, important elements of which are the control and supervision activities. Control and supervision bodies face new challenges on strengthening law, order and discipline; they need to increase their efficiency and optimize the activities. All the foregoing is largely determined by a complex and in-depth scientific development of the relation of control and supervisory legal activities, precisely from the general theoretical positions. When preparing the article, the author used different scientific techniques and methods of logical knowledge, such as analysis and synthesis, abstraction, modeling, systematic and structural, functional and formal-logical approaches. Special techniques are presented with concrete sociological and statistical methods, whereas scientific are presented with formal legal and comparative legal methods of law interpretation. Comprehensive theoretical and applied interdisciplinary approach to the problem necessitated the use of a system method, which accomplished the integration of theoretical abstractions and provisions in the current legislation. In terms of general theory, the methodology used in the study of control and supervisory legal activities gives the possibility, firstly, to overcome the lag in the scientific development of the aforementioned types of activities of industry sciences; secondly, to show the actual (real, existing) difference between the essence of control and supervision, and to identify the criteria (reasons) for this difference; thirdly, to offer certain recommendations (directions) in order to optimize control and supervisory activities by implementing them in legislative and law enforcement practices.


supervisory legal activities, control legal activities, legality, law and order, control of the execution of laws, administrative authority, supervisory control differences, governance, optimization of legal regulation, the state mechanism.

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