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Law and Politics

Shchedrina Yu.V. Social and legal guarantees of judicial independence in Russia in the 1860s - 1890s

Abstract: Subject of the present study is legislative recognition and practice of implementation of the major social and legal guarantees of judicial independence established by judicial statutes of 1864; they are high material security and pensions from the merits fund in 1860 – the mid-1890s. Choice of the lower chronological boundary is subject to acceptance of the legal statutes in 1864 that established a completely new system of social and legal guarantees of judicial independence; the upper boundary was set during the creation of a special commission for the revision of 1864 acts. The following research methods were applied in the course of study: comparative legal and comparative historical, historical, typological, chronological and other methods. The author studies the measures taken by the Government to improve the material conditions of the crown judges and reveals difficulties in the financing of global justice. It is noted that adoption of a series of acts designed to increase salaries of crown judges did not solve the problem of material security of crown justice, because it was applied to a limited number of persons. The author analyzed the charter norms of merits fund of the judicial department and activities of the fund itself in the middle of 1880s – the end of the 1890s. It is concluded that merits payments significantly improved the social status of retired employees in the department of the Ministry of Justice and members of their families.


Independence of judges, salary, crown judge, world judges, zemstvo, municipal duma, merits fund (old age insurance scheme), the Ministry of Justice, N. V. Muravyov, the State Council.

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