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Philosophy and Culture

Shipovskaya, L. P., Gemonov, A. V. Philosophical Interpretation of Heraldic Symbols in Russia During the Mongol-Tatar Yoke

Abstract: The present research is devoted to the topical issue in modern socio-humanistic studies. This issue has a cross-disciplinary nature and is a logical follow-up and development of the fundamental scientific ideas presented by Russian and foreign philosophers, cryptographers, historians and cultural researchers. The important part of the article is devoted to the role of heraldry and philosophical interpretation of the symbol in Russia during the period of 240-year dependence of Russian land on Mongol Empire. Each national culture is peculiar from other cultures. Semiotics allow to create a special view on social life of Russia during the Mongol-Tatar Yoke and define signs and symbols lying in the basis of Russian material and spiritual life back in those times. Semiotics also show what signs and symbols of the society influence individual consciousness and behavior. An important tool of semiotic analysis is the concept about connection between a symbol and a referent and how this connection influences individual consciousness and behavior.


socio-cultural space, symbolism, heraldic symbols, national mentality, symbol, referent, ‘nationality’ of culture, heraldry, coat of arms, sign.

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