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Politics and Society

Tarasevich, I. A., Zenkovsky, A. V. Problems of Countering Religious Extremism in Terms of Ensuring Religious Security: Comparative Law Analysis of Legislation in Russia and the Republic of Kazakhstan

Abstract: The author of the article assumes that the problem of religious extremism is especially important for the two countries today – strategic partners of the Customs and Eurasian Union, Russia and Kazakhstan. In this regard, the emphasis is made on constant monitoring and improvement of the legal base of countering religious extremism in the above mentioned countries. The authors of the article carry out a brief comparative law analysis of the legislation on enforcing security in Russia and Kazakhstan. In particular, they analyze laws setting forth the definition of religious extremism both in Russian and Kazakhstan legal systems. The authors also evaluate the strong and weak points of associated legislations in these two countries. They pay special attention to the fact that it is necessary to provide a more distinct definition of ‘incitement of religious hatred, intolerance and hostility’ which would allow to distinguish between these illegal actions and proper missionary and apologetic activities. The authors of the article also pay our attention to the problem of proselytism and offer their own definition of this activity as well as prove that proselytism should be regarded as extremism and legally punished. It is especially stressed out by the authors of the article that guarantees for religious security should be one of the key tasks for Kazakhstan and Russia. This is the very sphere where both countries should establish legal regulation standards as soon as possible. Based on the authors of the article, there is a significant potential to improve the current legislation in these two countries because their legal systems and national mentality are rather close to one another.


religious extremism, religious security, Customs Union, religious intolerance, legal studies, proselytism, extremist activity, Russia, Kazakhstan.

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