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Philosophy and Culture

Markin, A. V. Aletheia

Abstract: The present article contains an essay about philosophy, creativity and art; the power and the value of the representational thinking and word; linkage between philosophy and poetics; and the truth as a presentation of beauty. The essay is based on the idea that creative proportion is learnt through the content of existence and connects philosophers, poets, authors, artists, sculptors and architects. The author of the article neither proves nor disproves the existence of truth. The author does not describe particular features of truth, either. The essay is devoted to a special attitude to the faith in truth and the apparent value of such faith for unlocking the potentials of consciousness. The author does not think it is important to focus on a literal reading and pronunciation of a Greek word. Nevertheless the author does not claim that his author’s translation is true. In this research, Aletheia is a symbol of open and heuristic knowledge and intentional truth.


philosophy, aletheia, truth, beauty, wisdom, creativity, impression, expression, intention, proportion.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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