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Law and Politics

Ageev, V.N. Limitations to basic rights and freedoms of state servants in the decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation

Abstract: The article contains references to the fact that the state is allowed to establish some limitations to human rights and basic freedoms of individuals and citizens in order to achieve the purpose which is set for it by the society, that is, to guarantee security of citizens and state. The author formulates a definition for the limitations to basic human rights and freedoms of individuals and citizens. He analyzes the issues of limitations of rights and freedoms of persons in state service in the Russian Federation, noting that limitations for the persons joining state service serves the purpose of guaranteeing efficient professional activities in the spheres of competence of state bodies, and precludes possible abuse of rights by the servants, as well as, serves as one of the means of fighting corruption. The author analyzes the legal position of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on the lawfulness of limitations of rights and freedoms of state servants, and formulates an universal position of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on this issue, under which the limitations and prohibitions for the state servants due to their state service are acceptable for constitutionally valuable goals.


jurisprudence, rights, freedoms, limitations of rights and freedoms, fighting corruption, state service, state servant, Constitutional Court, judicial power, legal positions.

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