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Actual problems of Russian law

Didyk, M.E. Representation of interests of a client by an advocate in constitutional judicial procedure

Abstract: The article concerns specific features of representation of interests of a client by an advocate in the constitutional judicial procedure. The author analyzes the positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, noting special value of representation in court. The author considers that representation of the interests of a client in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation presupposes a number of procedural acts of relevant quality performed by an advocate in the name and in the interests of a client. It is pointed out that the complicated nature of constitutional legal evaluation of acts, which are being challenged, precludes the claimants from due protection of their rights, if the professional representation is not involved. The author analyzes most prominent features of constitutional judicial procedure, making it differ from other types of judicial procedure, such as civil, administrative and criminal procedures. These differences influence the specific features of representation in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. The author presents an overview of cases in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation with the participation of advocates, who were mostly representing claimants on constitutional complaints. The author evaluates the issue of procedural character of the activities of representative — advocate, and she draws a conclusion that the acts of an advocate influence the outcome of the case.


law, court, judicial procedure, constitutional, advocate, representation, client, legal, procedural, position.

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