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Law and Politics

Ivanov, V.A. Current situation in the sphere of infl uence of social, economic, political and legal factors on corruption crime in the Russian Federation

Abstract: In this article the author studies a topical and complicated issue regarding the main causes of corruption development in Russia. The author also expresses his opinion and provides analysis of the most important causes, which become barriers in the way of development of the anti-corruption policy of the state. The article evaluates position of the Russian Federation in the international arena and among the “Big Twenty” states in the sphere of activities against corruption risks. The methodology of studies is based upon structural and functional analysis, allowing to evaluate various objects within the social system from the standpoint of their functions in regard to the broader interpretation of corruption. The study has shown that in spite of the fact that key causes of appearance and growth of corruption in Russia are economic, they should not be viewed outside the scope of other factors, since they are all directly related.


corruption, corruption-related, modern condition, definition, causes and conditions, means and methods, spread of corruption, interrelation, analysis, fighting.

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