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Law and Politics

Barysheva, K.A. Factors infl uencing the need for the development of criminal political science

Abstract: This article includes complex analysis of the influence of political, economic, international legal factors on the decision-making in the sphere of criminal law. The author discusses the issues of development of criminal policy in order to avoid passing non-systemic, fragmented criminal law solutions. The accent is made on the need to develop criminal political science as an independent science, which should be based upon the traditions of the Russian criminal law science and use the theoretic and instrumental approach, as it was formed within the system of criminal law sciences. It is stated that the tendencies of development of norms of criminal law regulating the relations in the sphere of economics are aimed at minimizing criminal law influence upon the economic subject. Within this article the author pays attention to the influence of society upon decision-making in the criminal sphere, and on criminal law-making in particular. Application of criminal law norms has consequences, which in some sense may be more significant than in any other branch of law. It is related to the vital interests and it is an expression of power in its strictest form – via prohibition and coercion.


criminal policy, criminal political science, criminal legal thought, criminal law-making, legislative initiative, social factor, economic factor, political factor, modernization of criminal law.

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