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Politics and Society

Demetradze, M.R. Socialization as the Method of the Individual Self-Actualization and Growth of Human Factor in Russia and Post-Soviet Territory

Abstract: The article is devoted to overcoming the traditional conservative culture represented by the members of the Russian society. The author of the article lists particular methods of overcoming it such as mechanisms of socialization, self-actualization and growth of social motivation and acquiring a skill of articulation of social requests. The author describes the socialization conception as a strategic element of modern socio-cultural policy. The author also analyzes modern values and beliefs increasing the role and status of human being as well as the principles of ‘constitutionalization’ of human resources. The author underlines that the central zone of socio-cultural values has its own peculiarities in each society and therefore it is important to keep that in mind when implementing a particular model of socialization.


Socialization, socio-cultural status of a citizen, human resources, everyday life, self-actualization, living standards, quality of life, life world, modern social standards.

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