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Police activity

Mitrokhin, V.V. Performance evaluation within the mechanism of service in the internal affairs bodies.

Abstract: Analysis of the statistical data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, characterizing the cadre work, allows one to make a conclusion that currently the cadres of the bodies and institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation are not fully compliant with the goals of the Ministry. Some categories of the staff of internal affairs bodies (operative and district police officers, investigators and inquirers) fail to meet the requirements established for them. In current social and economic conditions the MIA staff serving in the sphere of protection of public order, investigation and disclosure of crimes should be competent in various spheres of Russian legislation, psychologically stable, well-disciplined and responsible. The staff should be able to perform operative service assignments in regular and extraordinary circumstances. Establishing the level of professional and personal development of the staff is of foremost importance for meeting the goals of the MIA. This problem can partially be solved via performance evaluation. Therefore, performance evaluation is one of the most important administrative legal and organizational means, which allow to guarantee high level of qualification and staff of the MIA.


performance valuation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, process, procedure, cadres, reserve, service, staff, responsibility.

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