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Police activity

Obydenov, V.V. On the issue of types of normative legal acts of federal executive bodies.

Abstract: Efficiency of activities within the competence of federal executive bodies is directly related to normative legal provisions on these activities. The multi-aspect character of functions of federal executive bodies presupposes the existence of various by-laws, regulating administrative activities. Variety of administrative activities of federal executive bodies also requires preparatory procedure for adoption and registration of their normative acts. Normative legal acts of federal executive bodies have a central place within the mechanism of implementation of requirements of federal laws, Decrees of the President and Government, etc. Due to this fact the legal nature of normative legal acts of executive bodies have been attracting attention of legal scholars and practitioners for many years. It should also be noted that goals, aims, functions and methods of executive branch of government are implemented via various normative legal administrative acts. Therefore, in order to have better understanding of their legal specificities, it is important t to classify their administrative acts.


act, law, form, method, regulation, control, police, system, lawfulness, by-law.

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