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Taxes and Taxation

Nikityuk, L. G., Nechaev, A. S. Nikityuk, L. G., Nechaev, A. S.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the condition and problems of municipal housing and utilities in the Russian Federation. The authors of the article offer a model of so called investment-innovation mechanism for managing the sector of municipal housing and utilities. This model is based on the principles of commercialization of innovations, self-financing and self-sufficiency which would allow to achieve a maximum cost advantage for municipal housing organizations. Investment tax credit is presented as the main financial tool of investment-innovation mechanism in managing the sector of municipal housing and utilities. Investment tax credit can be granted for paying corporate profit tax and regional and local taxes. The authors describe the timeframes of such a credit, procedure for tax saving and a structure of the investment tax credit agreement. It is noted that municipal housing and utilities organizations can independently define directions of innovation activity based on the problems they need to solve at present. The authors describe external and internal factors influencing investment-innovation process and the main factors influencing the execution of investment-innovation activities in the sphere of municipal housing and utilities.


principle of self-financing, principle of commercialization, investment-innovation mechanism, innovation activities, housing and utilities, investment tax credit, principle of self-sufficiency, tax saving, competitive ability

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