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Law and Politics

Komahin, B.N. Administrative procedures and their implementation in the framework of the civil service

Abstract: This article examines the legal and institutional problems in implementing administrative procedures in the public service. It reveals the peculiarities of these procedures and provides ideas for improving them. The article brings together different points of view regarding the institution of public service, and traces the direction of its development from inception to the present. The article notes that administrative procedures provide an opportunity for citizens to exercise their constitutional right to enter the public service, as well as the materialisation of a career in the public service. In this regard, it is nowadays effectively necessary to improve each of the available civil service procedures. The article discusses qualifying examinations and performance reviews, reveals the legal status of a civil service contract, etc., and concludes with suggestions on improving these administrative procedures. After all, the nature of these procedures will ultimately result in the concomitant quality of the legal control of many relationships in the civil service.


civil service, civil servant, procedure, qualifying, performance review, competition, examination, rotation, responsibility, government

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