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Politics and Society

Popova, A. V. Russia as an Integral Civilization in Writings of Neo-Liberal Thinkers at Early XX Century

Abstract: The article is devoted to one of the problems raised in neo-liberal political-legal doctrine of Russia at late XIX – early XX centuries. The structure of Russian neo-liberalism traditionally has an idealistic and positivistic trends, each of them has their own opinion of legal consciousness and future mechanism of government. The author of the present article analyzes views expressed by the followers of Russian neo-liberalism at the turn of XIX – XX centuries on identifi cation of Russia as a civilization. It has been conclude that Russia was regarded as a special form of civilization that was based on the combination of Western European and Eastern features.


legal studies, type of civilization, neo-liberalism, slavophiles, Westerners, developmental place, theory of borrowing, political-legal thought, Eurasia, liberalism.

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