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Administrative and municipal law

Kravchuk, A.O. State property as an object for state administration (administrative law aspect).

Abstract: The article concerns state property as state administration object under the Ukrainian legislation. The goal of the article is to study state property as an object for state administration and to develop a scientific definition of such administration. The author studies the terms, characterizing the administration in question, as well as a definition of state administration in the Ukrainian legislation and scholarly literature. In particular, the author raises the issue of what an object of state administration is, whether it is state ownership or state property. As a result of the study, the author formulates a definition for state property administration as a norm-making and organizational/ management activities of the state executive bodies and other competent subjects taken in order to have government administrative influence upon the social relations regarding ownership, use and disposal of property belonging to the state (state property objects). The author provides the reasons for use of this definition in science. In the opinion of the author the object of state administration is state property, which is regarded as social relations on state ownership of certain proprietary objects.


state ownership, state property, administration of state property, organizational/management activities; administration acts; goals of state administration; competence

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