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Culture and Art

Rashkovsky, E. B. Lyric Poetry as Cognition or On the Question about the ‘Sudden’ in Creative Process and Culture

Abstract: The phenomenon of lyric poetry is described in the article as a special, internally necessary form of self-realization of the person in culture and, moreover, as a special form of self-realization of culture as it is. At the heart of this phenomenon there are the principles of spontaneous self-discovery of human personality in a rhythmic speech flow and at the same time – spontaneous integration of the personality into elements and meanings of language and culture. Both of these principles assume, first, expansion of a search field of human memory and associations, and, secondly, a search field of communication between people. Thus, the lyric poetry appears to be a necessary ingredient of historical development in human culture. Supporting our need in implicit but deep and heart-felt conversation with people who are different from us, the lyric poetry also appears to be an essential ingredient of sociality and civil relations, accustoming us to self-knowledge and aspiration to find contacts with the other person and, therefore, to wisdom and tolerance.


cultural research, lyric poetry, creativity, culture, language, existential, sudden, spontaneous integration, interlocutor, reference.

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