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International relations

Filimonov, G.Y. Topical issues formation of the strategy of «soft power» in foreign policy Russian Federation

Abstract: The article presents a conceptual position of the author on a topical issue of formation of a complex multi-level innovative “soft power” strategy in the foreign policy of the Russian Federation, recovery and development of the “soft power” of Russia in the post — Soviet area and further abroad. The text contains analysis of the conditions necessary for the formation of the Russian public diplomacy and foreign cultural and information policy of the new generation. In spite of the fact that the modern international agenda is still centered upon the use of military force by the states as a priority means to achieve security, the cultural and communications globalization, powered by the growing economic interdependency leads to complementing of the military resources with the non-military political influence factors, which can be generally referred to as the “soft power”. In the opinions of the American political scientists, the tendencies in the development of international relations shall be for greater influence of the “soft power” in the general power balance of the states, and even the largest and most developed states shall not be able to resolve their problems purely by military means. They explain it by interdependency of economics (and interdependency management becomes a key force behind the American efforts in this sphere), and lowering of the role of “military glory” among the values of modern post-industrial societies.


international relations, foreign politics, Russia, soft force, political instability, diplomacy, state, interests, values, security.

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