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International relations

Bunevich, D.S. The frosting of Ukrainian-Polish relations and the interests of Russia

Abstract: The article is devoted to the current situation in the international relations between Ukraine and Poland, and the author draws a conclusion that these relations are getting worse. Then the author concludes that the tension between Kyiv and Warsaw may lead to Ukraine not sighing the Association Agreement with the EU. In this case Russia should actively pursue negotiations with the Ukraine on the issue of Ukraine joining the Eurasian Union. In November 2013 in Vilnius a summit is planned within the framework of the European Eastern Partnership. It is worth reminding that this project was formed in 2008 on the initiative of Poland, and it currently includes Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Moldova and Belarus. These states were offered to join dialogue with the EU and develop the program of actions for the European integration. Due to its demographic, economic, military and political potential, the Ukraine is key to this program, and the relations between Kyiv and Brussels considerably define the perspectives of the European initiatives in the Eastern Europe at their current stage.


international relations, foreign policy, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, diplomacy, interests, values, conflict, cooperation.

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