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Law and Politics

Bezgin, V.B. Legal customs in the daily consciousness and life of Russian villagers in the second half of XIX and early XX centuries

Abstract: The aim of the article is to study role and place of legal customs in daily life and legal relationships of Russian villagers during the modernization era. The research includes the analysis of law and common law ratio in treatment of crime, its motives and nature of punishment for an offense. The work contains the analysis of peasants’ legal customs specifics in the field of property crimes. The research is made on the basis of interdisciplinary approach using a wide range of ethnographic sources. The author reveals the content of peasants’ legal views and the features of common law application in Russian villagers’ daily life. As a result of the conducted research it is determined that legal customs regulated villagers’ public relations and acted as the basis for rural district courts’ solutions. Their existing in the rural daily life was the result of both government sanction and peasants’ mentality features.


customary law, Russian peasants, rural everyday life, law, property crimes, volost court, legal conscience, peasant community, legal customs, punishment.

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