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Law and Politics
Karpovich, O.G. (2013). “Soft power” in global coordinates
of the US foreign policy. Law and Politics, 10, 1295–1297.
Karpovich, O.G. “Soft power” in global coordinates of the US foreign policyAbstract: Currently the analysis of the “soft power” factor in the foreign policy of the modern nation states becomes an extremely topical issue. Today the American political leaders consider introduction of the new high-hume administration standards to be a foreign policy priority. As a result, the US actively forms high-hume knowledge and cognition systems, which become one of the key elements of the “soft power” of the USA, making it a highly intellectual system for the manipulation of its own population and select foreign target audiences in its own national interests. The USA made foreign political propaganda an important means to construe human minds at almost any global location. In this sense the “soft power” of the USA aimed to promote the American values and world views became an actively used political instrument, influencing the actors of international relations. Keywords: international relations, politics, the USA, soft power, political instability, diplomacy, interests, values, security, cooperation.
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