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Law and Politics

Belinskiy, A.V. Formation of an image of a German politician in the conditions of transformation of the political system of the Federal Republic of Germany at the verge of XX-XXI centuries

Abstract: The article is devoted to the process of transformation of the political leadership in the Federal Republic of Germany at the verge of XX – XXI centuries. The author departed from the traditional institutional approach, which is limited within the constitutional framework of powers of the Bundeskanzler. Instead, we turned to comparative analysis based on a number of criteria, allowing to follow the dynamics of the political leadership in the FRG at the verge of XX – XXI centuries. The object of studies included political leadership of the Kanzlers H. Kohl and A.Merkel. The choice is due to the following circumstances: firstly, they are among the most popular politicians in the modern Germany, and secondly, they have been Kanzlers for a rather long period of time, while a number of social and economic processes took place in Germany. During the study we made the conclusion that there is a transfer from a traditional (dominating) to a new (consolidating) type of leadership.


political leadership, Angela Merkel, Helmut Kohl, the Federal Republic of Germany, elections to the Bundestag, Christian Democratic Union, political processes, image, leading style, political parties.

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