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Law and Politics

Simonyan, G.V. Legal guarantees of efficient use of property of the Russian Federation abroad

Abstract: The article is devoted to theoretical and practical aspects of legal guarantees of state control over the efficiency of use of its property situated in the territories of the foreign states. The article includes analysis of the legal position of the property administration subjects for the property of the Russian Federation abroad, as well as their activities aimed to improve the efficiency of use of such objects. Special attention was paid to the analysis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the measures for the improvement of the use of the federal property of the Russian Federation, which is situated outside the Russian Federation and which is settled on the federal executive bodies, their representatives, other bodies of the Russian Federations, and state organizations. The main goal of this Decree was to improve economic efficiency of the use of the federal immovable property and to achieve clarity of the property recording system, guarantee its legal protection and transparency of financial streams. The conclusion was then made on the low efficiency of management of immovable property of the state abroad.


property, state property, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Federal Property Management Agency, the unitary enterprise, efficiency, administration, diplomatic mission, foreign property, use of state property.

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