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International Law and International Organizations

Lobov, D.V. Administrative legal mechanisms of establishing the OSCE status

Abstract: The article is devoted to the theoretical and practical problems of organizational and legal guarantees of the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe), as a special supranational structure. The author uses formal legal and comparative methods in order to evaluate the specific features of administrative and legal nature of the OSCE, as established by the national legislative acts of the states, the international legal status of the OSCE being undetermined. The author points out use of international immunity standards by the states, as well as formation of authentic models for the legal guarantees of the OSCE status in the Member States. The author proves administrative legal character of defining the OSCE status in the Member States, which allows to correct the modality of international legal mechanisms within the framework of the OSCE mandate and its institutions.


international law, administrative legal status, OSCE, immunity legislation, supranational structures, by-laws, law-making, immunity conventions, implementation.

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