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International Law and International Organizations

Kalamkaryan, R.A. Russia within an universal global legal framework

Abstract: The article concerns the value of participation of Russia in the universal global legal framework from a legal point of view. The author evaluates the role of Russia as a member of the Security Council of the UN. He evaluates the activities of judicial bodies, implementation of legal norms within the legal system of the Russian Federation. It is stated that Russia has accepted treaty-based international obligations based on the Rule of Law principle, and the states should conform to them in good faith notwithstanding their implementation into the national legal order. The author studies various quality characteristics of the International Court of Justice, it is compared with the national judicial bodies. The author studies the definitions of lawfulness and universal legal order, he provides for the key elements and characteristic features of the universal legal order.


international law, universal global legal framework, good-faith principle, rule of law, international court, implementation, domestic legal order, international legal order, Russia, national.

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