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Administrative and municipal law

Panshin, D.L., Dresvyannikova, E.A. Period and order of implementation of the decision on imposing a fine as an administrative punishment.

Abstract: In the modern administrative practice on payment of fines imposed as administrative punishment it is recognized that the term for voluntary payment lasts 60 days. However, this is not correct. The authors of this article pay attention to the period of time, when, firstly, a person voluntarily pays a fine, and, secondly, when an official enforces payment. As a general rule, Art. 32.2 p.1 of the Administrative Offences Code provides for a 60 days period during which a decision on an administrative fine should be voluntarily implemented. Therefore, there is need for a document proving payment of a fine and information on its payment should be in the relevant information databases. However, no one seems to take into account Chapter 31 of the Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation, where it is directly provided that the decision is object to obligatory performance from the moment, when it comes into force. It therefore should be implemented by a judge, body or official, who has made the decision, and in three days period it should be provided to the law enforcement officers, which is not always fully adhered to. Therefore, the principle of inevitability of punishment is not duly implemented.


implementation, procedure, extension of payment, suspension of payment, period, administrative, offence, decision, body, competent.

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