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Administrative and municipal law

Vinnik, N.V. Issues of local significance as a guarantee of organizational independence of municipal selfgovernment

Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the issues of local significance as a direct guarantee of organizational independence of local self-government. In the opinion of the author the role of issues of local significance as conditions and means for the organizational independence of municipal self-government is underestimated in both legal science and legal practice. The article touches upon the problems of broadening scope of influence of the state in this sphere violating the organizational independence of local self-government. The consequences of violations of the organizational independence principle include alienation of the population from the local self-government and lack of initiative in management of issues of local significance. Currently there is a contradiction in the municipal law. The social theories of municipal self-government as reflected in the constitutional norms do not correspond the legal practice and further law-making.


issues of local significance, municipal unit, competence, social theory, organizational independence, powers, state, theory of free community, social and economic theory, guarantees.

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