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Philosophy and Culture

Rozin, V.M. The term “space” in the cultural and scientific areas

Abstract: The article contains a study of formation and changes in the term “space” in culture and science. The author analyzes the prerequisites for this term in art, philosophy, science (including the works of R. Descartes, I. Newton, L.Euler). Having introduced a novel term of space and time and having made the work of our mind primary compared to the natural processes by giving space, and not time the leading role, Henri Bergson has provided the conditions for, first of all, criticism and revision of the natural scientific conceptualization of space, and, secondly, for the formation of new terms for time and space in humanitarian and social sciences, better reflecting life and changes in the studied phenomena. The author views two key stages of the formation of the term “space”, which were studied — the works of Aristotle (as one of the conditions for the conceivable movement) and in the Modern Age as the condition for the mathematization of movement. The author discusses the conditions for the transfer of the term “space” from the natural sciences to the social and humanitarian sciences (the change from the physical movement to changes, models to schemes and key categories).


philosophy, space, time, length, event, movement, change, cognition, reality, concept.

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