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Philosophy and Culture
Korolev, S.A. (2013). Fundamental historical processes: Russian specific features. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 1083–1101.
Korolev, S.A. Fundamental historical processes: Russian specific featuresAbstract: The article concerns specific features of fundamental historic processes in Russia (colonization, modernization, globalization). The author singles out such specific features as: hypertrophy of historical subject, persistent lack of resources, climatic determination, stadial violations, discrete character of these processes, their fragmentary and non-systemic character, reversibility of results, excessive costs, growing heterogenic character of the area. The author also analyzes the problems of social and cultural determination of the fundamental social transformations, such as phenomena of Russian ascesis and fellow elders. Much attention is paid to the influence of pseudo-morphosis and pseudo-morphic type of development upon the fundamental historic processes in Russia. Finally, the article includes analysis of the secular element of global historical processes, as well as the changes, which hypothetical transition of Russia into the phase of post-secular development and de-secularization have caused. Finally, the author points out the failure of the direct historical optimism, since history contains much more ambiguous and paradoxical matters, than its followers may imagine. In the point of view of the author, Russia does not firmly follow the path of the progress, rather its development is sinusoidal, and at times spiral. Keywords: colonization, modernization, globalization, pseudo-morphosis, Russian ascesis, secularization, de-secularization, religion, church, progress.
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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here . References
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