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Politics and Society

Parkhomenko, R.N. Discussions on liberalism in the modern Russia

Abstract: The article contains the study of development of discussions on freedom and liberalism in the modern Russian scientific tradition. The author analyzes a wide range of authors from the very first researchers in the sphere of Russian liberalism – V. Leontovich and V. Prilenskiy to the latest interpretations of the Russian liberal tradition, including the semantic interpretation by M. Kalashnikov. It is shown that the conventional character of the Russian liberal tradition is much due to the variously directed philosophical traditions, based on which some liberal thinkers formed their concepts. For example, B. Chicherin was a right-wing Hegelian and rationalist, while K. Kavelin used positivism and psychoanalysis. Specific features of Russian liberalism included lack of strong social basis, and the fact that it was firstly supported by the nobles, unlike in foreign states. There was no large middle-class in Russia, and liberalism as a political movement showed its anti-democratic nature and the tendency to be supported by the monarchism (for example, B.Chicherin is discussing constitutional monarchism). The specific feature of Russia includes the fact that a political choice here has always been an intellectual act, which was not supported by a wide range of people.


liberalism, freedom, Russia, democracy, West, worldview, civil society, individual, rule-of-law state, conservative tradition.

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