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Culture and Art

Muratov, A. M. Neoidealistic Tendencies in Russian Fine Arts

Abstract: the author of the article offers and proves the hypothesis about a special art trend in XX century which has its roots in art culture of the second half of XIX century. Most clearly these trends were formulated by German Neoidealists who based on their own creative practice. However, art history viewed Neoidealism as a local phenomenon of German culture while the author of this article describes it as one of the fundamental art tendencies during the last century and a half in Germany and Europe as well as in Russia where it was developed, first of all, in Favorsky’s and his students’ art work as well as work by a number of sculptors and artists. Noteworthy that Neoidealism was not an independently developing phenomenon and interacted with such phenomena as Post-Impressionism, Symbolism, Modern, Neoclassicism and Avant-garde. Despite all that, Neoidealism managed to retain its own essence and peculiarity.


neoidealism, neoclassicism, neoromanticism, official school of art history, main art trends, fine arts, sculpture, relief principle, monumental art, art theory.

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