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History magazine - researches

Yang Zhe History of the Trade Unions of the USSR and Russia in the works of Russian and Chinese historians

Abstract: The article studies the trade unions - the most influential non-governmental organizations in the Soviet Union and Russia. In the USSR, these organizations have performed many historically important tasks. In post-Soviet Russia the trade unions were transformed in order to develop them along with the changes in society. As in Russia, the social basis of China is multi-millions of workers who go though the stage of the social transformation. For this reason, the study of the transformations of the Trade Unions in Russia and the analysis of the experience of these changes are of great importance for China. This paper provides an overview of the Russian and Chinese historiography - research on the history and trends of the Trade Unions of the USSR and Russia.


history, Russian historiography, Chinese historiography, society, working class, the government, trade unions, the Soviet Union, Russia, social transformation.

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