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Administrative and municipal law

Panshin, D.L. Some aspects of improvement of administrative legislation in the sphere of guarantees of road traffic security: the order of movement on pedestrian crosswalks.

Abstract: In this article we would like to pay attention to the amendments in the Russian legislation in the sphere of road traffic security guarantees in the sphere of movement on pedestrian crosswalks. In our opinion, there is a number of norms regulating the obligations of participants of the road traffic to follow certain rules on movement (driving) on non-regulated pedestrian crosswalks, but there is no administrative responsibility for violations. The lack of responsibility for the violation of the Road Traffic Rules in this sphere lowers the level of prophylactic and preventive influence on road accidents. Amending the Road Traffic Rules the Government of Russia presumed that it is necessary for the drivers not only to give way to pedestrians and other participants of road traffic, but also to lower the speed up to complete stopping when there are pedestrians or bike riders on the crosswalk. However, there are no legislatively provided measures against violations of this obligation.


road traffic, pedestrian, driver, pedestrian crosswalks, clear the way, overdrive, advancing, forced stop, transportation vehicle, collision.

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4. Ofitsial'nyi sait GIBDD MVD Rossii: http://www.gibdd.ru/. (Data obrashcheniya 25 dekabrya 2012 g.)