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Actual problems of Russian law

Boltinova, O.V. On the issue of implementation of the principle of transparent (open) budget

Abstract: The article is devoted to the bases for the implementation of the procedural norms of the budget law. In the process of analysis the author notes that the budget process may be characterized by the principles of the modern budget system of the Russian Federation, however, one may also single out specialized principles of the budget system, which need to be provided for legislatively. The issue of implementation of the principle of transparency (openness) of budget is quite important in this respect. The article includes the study of the Concept for the Formation and Development of an Integrated System of Management of Social Finances, which is meant to enhance transparency and accountability of the financial activities. It is noted that the principle of transparency (openness) is not fully implemented, and introduction of the system of «electronic budget» shall allow to improve efficiency of budget spending and due implementation of this principle.


jurisprudence, budget, budget process, budget system, principles, transparency, openness, electronic budget, financial policy, spending.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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