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Administrative and municipal law

Prizhennikova, A.N. The problems of formation of the modern model of administrative judicial procedure in Russia

Abstract: Currently there is a judicial reform going on in Russia, and its goal is to form an independent and fair judicial power. In order to support the status of the judicial power and to improve the judicial system, the Russian legislation is being constantly amended. As part of the judicial reform, the new draft of the Federal Law N. 246960 “Code for the Administrative Judicial Procedure in the Russian Federation”, allowing for the due implementation of Art. 118 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, was introduced to the State Duma on March 28, 2013. Art 118 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation provides for the four types of judicial procedure: constitutional, civil, administrative and criminal. The work on the draft of the administrative judicial procedure legal draft was started in the end of XX century, and the first draft of the Code was presented. The first draft Code gained various evaluations in the scientific literatures, and it used a number of old stereotypes of the Soviet era.


The Code for the Administrative Judicial Procedure, administrative justice, judicial reform, administrative dispute, administrative case, administrative claim, administrative procedures, public procedure, simplified procedure.

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