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Actual problems of Russian law

Tokarev, M.A. Forensic characteristics of crimes related to unlawful procurement of water biological resources

Abstract: The article is devoted to the studies of the forensic characteristics of types of crime. The results of the study showed that an object of crime is one of the key issues for its forensic characteristics, and the model of crime should be based upon it. That is why, the article includes analysis of just some crimes of this type, which are united by a common object, that is - by the water biological resources, such as certain types of trepang (Apostichopus japonicu) and scallop (Mizuhopecten yessoensis, Swiftopecten swifti). The article uncovers the correlations, dependencies and patterns in the elements of forensic characteristics of crimes, such as the object of crime, the immediate object of crime, personality of a criminal, conditions, method of crime, the traces, which form the structural elements of a crime.


jurisprudence, forensic studies, characteristic, procurement, biological resources, method, traces, conditions, personality.

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