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Administrative and municipal law

Tretyakova, S.B. Self-regulated organization as a special subject of law

Abstract: The article is devoted to the specific features of legal status of self-regulated organizations. Topicality of this issue is due to its controversial character and lack of its studies in the theory of law. The author analyzes the Russian legislation on self-regulated organizations, as well as the views of legal scholars. Additionally, the article defines social and legal nature of self-regulated organizations their public and private law elements, their legal capacity and powers. Based on these studies, the author comes to a conclusion on dual (mixed) character of their legal status.


self-regulated organization, non-commercial organization, legal personality, competence, powers, collective subjects, legal entity, regulation, private interest, public interest, legal nature, legal status.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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