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Law and Politics

Sevryukov, D.S. Legal regulation of the termination of the judicial powers of the judges of the courts of general jurisdiction in 1917 – 1938.

Abstract: The article includes analysis of the legislative evolution on one of the underexplored issues in the Russian science. The author singles out the key stages in the legal regulation of the termination of judicial powers of the judges, he analyzes the legislative gaps, and based on the archive materials he follows the practical implementation of legal norms. The author comes to a conclusion that lack of grounds for the recall or disciplinary responsibility of judges in the normative acts, as well as lack of regulation of the termination of judicial powers caused mass termination of powers of judges and laid the grounds for the “cleansings” of judicial corpus in 1930s.


judicial reform, Decree, recall, disciplinary responsibility, people’s court, province court, Supreme Court, law, implementation.

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