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Law and Politics

Strelkova, I.I. The institution of the consumer bankruptcy in the Russian Federation.

Abstract: Having studied historical, legal, social and economic aspects of bankruptcy (insolvency) of physical persons – debtors, the author attempts to evaluate the necessity of the institution of consumer bankruptcy in the modern Russian law, and to single out some topical issues in this sphere. The article includes the study of the competence of courts over the consumer bankruptcy in the Russian law, and compares the Russian practice with the global practice of regulation of bankruptcy of physical persons. Based on the above-mentioned studies, the author offers to reevaluate the existing rules on judicial competence over the bankruptcy (insolvency) cases, and to discuss the issue on transferring the cases on consumer bankruptcy to the courts of general jurisdiction as well as on possibly forming specialized courts on consumer bankruptcy. The results of this study may be used in the spheres of judicial reform in order to improve the quality of adjudication in the sphere of competence over consumer bankruptcy.


jurisprudence, consumer bankruptcy, insolvency, trade insolvency, citizens, competence, arbitration courts, courts, specialized courts, jurisdiction.

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