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Culture and Art

Limanskaya, L. Yu. M. V. Lomonosov’s Teaching about Light and Color Within the Framework of Natural Philosophy and Art Quests in Mid XVIII Century

Abstract: Viewing art as a science, Mikhail Lomonosov included his art theory of light and color in the sphere of academic inquiries. As a researcher and a naturalist, he assumed that the more mysteries of Nature our mind can understand, ‘the happier we feel at heart...’. Based on the laws of optics, Mikhail Lomonosov created his trichromatic theory of vision that precedes Hemlhotz’s findings. He used achievements in optics for creating colored glass in the process of mosaic making. In addition to scientific findings, Lomonosov also viewed the theory of color vision as a way to get closer to the deepest mysteries of the Heavens and art in genera as the mean of expressing the knowledge that praises God through images.


art history, Mikhail Lomonosov, natural philosophy, Isaac Newton, Hermann von Helmholtz, color, paint, mosaic, trichomatic vision.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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